Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009

Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus

Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus (2005)

The Swedish guys from Dark Funeral seem to be fans of latin phrases, but not fans of a correct grammar.

The song Attera Totus Sanctus, which gave name for the whole album, should mean Destroy all Holy!
Attera means to wear out, to wipe out. The form attera doesn't exist. The 1.Person would be attero, the imperative attere.
Totus means all, everything, sanctus holy. Both words are in the nominative, while the correct case would be accusative (Sg: totum sanctum, or better Nt.Pl. tota sancta).

Another song on this album is Atrum Regina - Dark Queen. Because Regina is a feminine word, it should be Atra Regina.

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