Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010

Ofermod - Rape the World

Ofermod - Rape the World - Mysterion tes Anomalias (2005)

The lyrics of Rape the World contain several languages; Finnish and Hebrew, I guess, and Latin. The album’s title Mysterion tes anomalias is Ancient Greek and means The mystery of lawlessness as well as The mystery of sin.

The latin lines are:

Introibo in sephirah tuam
adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum
in timore tuo...

Propter inimicos meos
dirige in conspectu tuo viam meam

They are almost perfect, and it’s (grammatically) easy to understand what they mean:

I’ll enter your Sephira,
I’ll adore/ invoke your holy temple
in your fear…

Because of my enemies
focus my way on your horizon/ field of vision.

The Sephirah (singular: Sephiroth) meaning "enumerations", are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which God (who is referred to as Ein Sof - The Infinite) reveals him/herself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.


2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi, we are Kriver, a Heavy Metal/Hard Rock band from Brazil and we woudl like to know an e-mail from the owner of this blog that we could contact.

    We just released our first EP entitled "Toxic Blood" and we're searching for channels where we can promote it.

    Our e-mail is

    Visit our myspace:

    Greetings from Brazil
    Keep in touch!

  2. Hi there, how are you doing?
    First than all, allow me to say this blog is awesome, you're doing a great and quite interesting work here.
    Second, I have a request, would you please translate the latin part of the lyrics for this band?
    Which, by the way, if you don't know yet you should probably check out, it's awesome.
    Thanks in advance, see ya!

    PS Sorry for not sending and email, I couldn't find the adress!
