Ihsahn - Das Seelenbrechen (2013)
Welcome, trick Nr.5! Quite dark and obscure, more a network of mere impressions. Ihsahn used some German words and some Latin ones as well - so here we go:
- Hiber - the noun hiems means winter, and the adjective hibernus wintry.
- Tacit - he/she/it remains silent
- Sub Ater - sub means under/ underneath and ater means dark, black. The term sub ater isn't grammatically correct: under the black would be sub atrum/ sub atra, and underneath the black sub atro/ atris.
- Sum quad eris - (what the choir sings in "Regen") This is a spelling mistake, it must be sum quod eris - I am what you'll be. This was a often used writing on tombstones: fui quod es, sum quod eris - I was, what you are (now), I am what you will be.
Or, in latin metres: Siste viator iter, per me tu gnothi seauton, Nam quod es hoc fueram, quod sum nunc et eris - Hold on, traveller, with my help you know yourself, because what you are, was I and what I am now, you'll be.